Day 13-Favorite childhood show. Full House was the show to watch until I was 8, and it went off the air.
But man, that show taught me so much. I will never forget how to spell success because of Danny Tanner's mnemonic device (double the 'see', double the 'ess' and you will always have success!) I think somewhere, my parents still have the VHS we taped the series finale on. Y'know, when Michelle falls off her horse and gets amnesia? That was intense!
Since we did 12&13 today...I'd like to take a moment to talk a little bit about twelve and thirteen year olds. I am sick of the question 'who else will be there?' Although, I don't necessarily blame the kids here, since just as many parents ask me that question as my students. It's just really frustrating. There is an event coming up that I have to register for by this Friday and I'm still getting 'SoandSo will only go if whatsherface will be there.' I don't care who will be there, I just need to know how many will be there by this Friday...
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