Monday, August 29, 2011

Just One of the Guys...

Last night I was in charge of opening up at Relate, the young adult group at my church, our regular leader wasn't there so it was a really small group. Me and three guys. With 75% of the population being male, the conversation turned to boy-type things; cars, scary movies, one point they were actually talking about farts. FARTS! I decided this was a good time to remind the group that I am, indeed, a lady...and one of the boys pipped up that I was 'just like one of the guys!'
Not only is that the last thing a girl EVER wants to hear, but it really got me that how I come off?
Because I don't want to be perceived as 'one of the guys', I want to be perceived as a girl. I know I'm not the 'girliest' of girls. I don't wear a ton of pink (mostly because it clashes with my red hair), I usually don't wear colored polish on my fingernails, and I don't spend HOURS in front of the mirror. But I wear make-up, and I like ruffles. I want to be the 'easy going, cute girl' not that 'person who happens to be female.'
I don't want to change my personality, and become, like giggly all the time; I would feel ridiculous. But I don't want to be the girl that guys talk about farts in front of either.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm Melting...

I haven't been out of the house since Tuesday...which sounds really lame. And it is really lame, so today I went to the farmer's market for some peaches so I could make a pie. Given the current weather conditions, I'm good with staying inside until October. I don't WANT to go outside when the weather is this gross. I was outside for 20 minutes at around 11am and it was so gross I just wanted to get my peaches and get back to my air-conditioned car. I didn't even want to stop and look at the puppies.
Days like this make me wonder why anyone would ever want to live in the central valley.
101 degrees is a disgustingly large number and 28% humidity is just plain gross!

Can I rearrange the calendar so that there is no more summer?? Spring, Autumn, Winter, repeat!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

In Everything You Do Always Be Yourself

There are two things I believe...well, actually there are a lot of things I believe...but here are two of them:
1. Everyone should have a really fun Aunt (RFA)
2. There is no such thing as 'normal'

I am very lucky that my Aunt Jenny is the coolest RFA ever! She's is one of the kindest people I know (as well as one of the smartest and strongest). She's definitely one of my most relatable relatives, and one of my favorites to visit. I had the chance to visit my aunt (as well as my cousins) this past weekend. I took the train up and stayed a couple nights. It was a great opportunity to have some time away from my parents, take a break from triple digit weather and enjoy a change in scenery. Plus, Aunt Jenny offered to take us to see the Billy Elliot National Tour while it was in San Francisco. I don't need incentive to visit my aunt, but I was going to turn down this opportunity, either.
Billy Elliot was a musical I wasn't overly familiar with. I knew the basics: a boy who wants to be a ballerina (ballerino?) set against the backdrop of a miners' strike in a working class English town. I knew a couple of the songs. I knew it won the 'Best Musical' Tony in 2009. it turns out, there is WAY more to the story than just ballet and coal. This is a musical about being yourself. A musical about over coming challenges. Maybe even a musical that proves that 'normal is as normal does'.
Contrasting something as seemingly frivolous as ballet dancing with a serious situation like the coal miners' strike of 1984 is just the skeleton of this show. Billy Elliot is not just about a boy who wants to dance ballet, but rather, about a boy who is daring to be different.
I had never seen a professional show that had kids as main characters before, and I have to say that JP Viernes (who played Billy at this performance) gave the adult cast a run for their money.

He is a true triple threat...not only was he an incredible dancer and actor with a great voice, but he was also able to make me laugh and cry.
I walked out of the theatre truly inspired by Billy's story. And after all the dancing in the show...I also felt inspired to run home and lace up my pointe shoes. After all, in the words of Michael (Billy's cross-dressing best friend) "If you want to be a dancer...DANCE!")
And, true to form, I also walked out of the theatre with yet another mug for my ever-growing collection!

"Everyone is different it's the natural state. It's a fact it's plain to see!
The world's grey enough with out making it worse...
What we need is individuality!" -Expressing Yourself (Lyrics: Lee Hall; Music: Sir Elton John)

Thursday, August 04, 2011

After all this time...

I just sat (and sniffled a little) through 118 minutes of loud noises, battles, unnecessary blood-shed, the most awkward hug you've ever seen and a long overdue kiss. For the second time. And it was wonderful.

I took my goddaughter to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. This movie has everything a Harry Potter movie should have: Harry being a hero, whether he needs to be or not. Hermione being kind of bossy, whether she needs to be or not. Ron being...well, Ron (and awesome!). Seamus Finnigan blowing crap up (although, this time, he is instructed to do so...BOOM!) and Professor McGonagall being her bad-ass self.
I loved Helena Bonham-Carter acting like Emma Watson playing Hermione while acting like Bellatrix Lestrange. Cause...she looked like HBC, but acted and sounded exactly like was like real polyjuice potion.

I cried. Lily, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Sirius and James...all made me cry in turn. Even Snape made me cry (though I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as the Hogwarts boat house.)
Draco and Voldemort hugged. And it was painful and awkward to watch, but also awesome.
Neville decapitated a freaking snake. Because he's a true Gryffindor.
Ron and Hermione kissed. It only took 7 books and 8 movies, but it happened!
...and the wizard mother of year award goes to Molly Weasley!
It was nearly perfect, I even liked the epilogue!

I just can't believe it's over. No more books. No more movies. It has literally taken me half my life to read these books and watch these movies. I mean, my children will probably read and watch, but they will never know the feeling of waiting by the mailbox and attacking the postman the day the newest book is released. Or what it's like to go to a midnight premiere, and spot your geology professor and his wife in line between the guy dressed up as Hagrid and the rowdy group of Slytherins.
This series/franchise may be a fad, or it may continue in its popularity. But, no matter what I will always re-read these books and re-watch these movies.