Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm in the market...

There are precious few non-towny, twentysomething, attractive, single guys in the town where I currently live. But I saw this guy at the grocery store today who seemed to be all of the above...he wasn't dressed like a towny, he actually looked like he could be in my age bracket and he wasn't wearing a ring (yeah, I snuck a peek at his left hand.)

This is one of those instances where I wish my life were a scripted TV show, we would both be reaching for the same apple and our eyes would meet and I'd say something witty and...Bam! He becomes a story arc in the sitcom of of my life. That is so much better than what really happened: I saw him getting milk out of the dairy case and then walk up to the 15 items or less lane...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Red Velvet Cake and Harry freakin' Potter

Last night I went on a 'roomie date'...yes, I currently live alone, but the girls I lived with in college (though most are now married) will always be my 'roommates'.
Last night Kathy was in town, so we decided to take in a movie at the cheap theater...and I can say that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 has actually gotten better with multiple viewings!
Looking at this movie, compared with the book, I think that the movie is paced better (even with all the depressing camping scenes.) I feel like in the book -and I could be remembering it wrong- that interspersed with all the camping and apperating and such that there were moments of 'Meanwhile, back at Hogwarts...things still suck royal hippogryff' and it's possible that, even with all it's flaws and inaccuracies, I might (gasp) like the movie better...that never happens to me.
Last night, my focus seemed to have shifted to much fun would it be to design the costumes for the HP movies? Like who decided that Elphias Doge should look like he's wearing five coats at once? And who picked out Luna's sweet romper? And Hermione's wardrobe? Seriously, she gets the best clothes!! I also love that the Snatchers kinda look like they could be extras from a cross between Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson (minus the SexyPants) and American Idiot... was a great excuse to see the movie again and a fantastic chance to catch up with a great friend. We ended the evening with some red velvet cake at TGIFridays and ended up staying out until, like 11...whoa!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Coming Out... a democrat.
This may not seem like a big deal, but I come from a pretty conservative family ranging from the fairly extreme (my grandma) to the moderate (my parents). Except when my grandma brings it up (using the conversational segue 'I don't want to talk about politics but...'), we don't talk about politics often as a family.
But I was up visiting my parents over the weekend and my dad asked me 'are you a republican or a democrat?' I'm not sure how this fit in to the conversation we were having, and this doesn't seem like a question you would generally ask someone, but if you knew my'd understand that none of that matters.
My parents always brought us up to think for ourselves, and instead of treating me like I was some crazy liberal commie, my mom actually said she was proud of me for developing my own opinions instead of just going along with what they've always said.
...she also said that we're not going to tell my grandma...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If my life was a sitcom

There are so many situations where I wish my life were a sitcom.
I want a soundtrack.
I want a laugh track.
And when the cute Jamba Juice guy says "Can I get your name?" I want to be able to respond "yes, would you like my number too?"
I want someone to write my seems so much easier that way

Monday, February 07, 2011


I've been getting back into knitting lately.
I learned in high school...and for the past 6 years I've been cranking out scarves using nothing but a basic knit stitch. No purling, nothing fancy, just knitknitknitknitknit, turn, repeat.
But I decided I was going to learn to do cables, which required me to learn a purl stitch.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the miracle that is YouTube:
I think it's going well, if I do say so myself

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

How much is that doggy in the window?

I want a dog. I can't have pets in my apartment, and I can't barely take care of myself, let alone another living thing...but I really want a dog.
Just for kicks, I decided to go on the Ventura County animal rescue site...I'm not sure why I did this, but I found a new way of torturing my self. Looking at adoptable animals that need homes when I can't be the one to give them that. Luckily, VCAR is a no-kill shelter, so none of these puppies are in danger, but shelter life can't be fun, and my heart is breaking that I can't give loving homes to all these adorable mutts.I mean who can say 'no' to this little lady?
Don't you just want to take her home and love her? I want to cuddle this puppy and give her a name (she doesn't have one, yet) and a bath and a place to call home.
I'm not sure when it happened, but I am such a softie when it comes to dogs.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I heard that you were feeling ill...

I am sick. I have a 100 degree fever, chills, aches, headache, congestion, and it hurts to move. It's possible this is the result of the camp, extravaganza, camp nonsense that's been going on in my life lately, but it's really cramping my style. Also, I'm a baby when I'm sick. I am whiny, I don't like to do anything for myself, and I try not to get up from the couch if I don't have to. The hard this about this is that I am single. I live alone. And none of my friends live close enough to bring me mashed potatoes. I am really not enjoying this.
I've been eating bananas and applesauce all day and I just want some stinking mashed potatoes. And someone to take care of me.