Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sharing is Caring

I'm going to start what is sure to be a pretty frivolous post with something somewhat one owns anything. Sure you can buy things, or have things, or even find things, but there is nothing in this world that anyone can claim sole ownership of.
And now, I rant.
People who like musicians that are 'on the verge' of discovery, or artists that have managed to stay under the radar tend to get very possessive of "their" findings. You may appreciate a certain actor/singer/whatever that not many have heard of yet, but that doesn't mean you're the only one allowed to be a fan. I recently read an article and a corresponding comment that has spurred this post.
The article was brief, but stated that Darren Criss will be joining the cast of 'Glee'. Darren Criss is probably most 'famous' for playing Harry Potter in the fan-based, YouTube broadcasts of 'A Very Potter Musical' and 'A Very Potter Sequel'. Both are hilarious and I highly recommend them to fans of Harry Potter and/or humor! He has also released a five song EP called 'Human'. It will be interesting to see how his voice translates into Glee, but he's a good singer, so I imagine he'll do well. He wrote most of the songs in AVPM and AVPS, so he's pretty talented and in being so, has quite a few fans. Not nearly as many fans as the internationally renowned Glee, however. Which brings me to the comment I read attached to this article. The gist was basically that this person seemed to think that they (and perhaps a select few others) were the only ones allowed to like Darren Criss because they already know who he is. The word 'disappointed' was mentioned. Disappointment in Darren for choosing to come out of obscurity to make his dreams of being famous come true, perhaps? Yes, I realize the more well-known a musician is the more he or she can charge for concert tickets, which can be a bummer. A concert for some unknown singer/songwriter in a dingy club can cost as little as a $5 cover, whereas someone who has established a name for themselves can play huge arenas for upwards of $50. Heck, Elton John sold out the Hollywood Palladium, and those tickets started at around $200!! But, just because you're a fan of someone doesn't mean that their talent shouldn't be shared with others. So dear anonymous commenter, you do not own Darren Criss. He is a very talented guy and I think the world deserves to experience what he has to offer. I'm sorry you 'do not approve', but unless you are Darren's agent, I'm guessing your opinion had very little weight in this situation.
That's all.

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