Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Founding Fathers

My parents got me this mug at Mount Rushmore (which will be quite obvious when you see the picture, I hope).
"Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a tribute to the greatness of America and its leaders. For millions of visitors each year, this granite sculpture represents the growth of a nation and an understanding and appreciation of its heritage." I didn't come up with that, it's what it says on the other side of the mug.
My mom explained to me the reasons Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt were chosen to be carved into this hunk o' rock. It was like, Washington built the country, Jefferson did something else to it, Lincoln did yet another thing to it, and Roosevelt did something to it as well. I wish I could remember what it was, because it made a lot of sense.

As to why the presidents aren't in chronological (or even alphabetical) order is beyond me. I don't like it when things are arranged arbitrarily. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't even know how many times I have threatened to sneak into my sister's room and alphabetize her DVD collection. How are you supposed to find which one you want to watch if they are just hanging out there, willy nilly-ly? No rhyme, no reason...just there. I'm sorry, I just can't roll that way. If I want to watch, let's say, Breakfast at Tiffanys- I need to know that I will find it safely tucked in between The Breakfast Club and Bridget Jones' Diary every single time!!

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