Monday, January 30, 2012

Defying Maladies

I was feeling so invincible! I got a flu shot back in November, and figured I was good to go!
No germy little hand or snotty little nose was going to bring me down. Not even the pink eye scare before Christmas was going to get in the way of my seemingly perfect health. In fact, I was on my way to setting a personal record. I hadn't had a sniffle, a scratchy throat or any sign of of being under the weather. This flu shot thing was starting to feel too good to be true...and well...the trouble with things that seem too good to be true is that they usually are!
Yesterday I woke up with the onset of a sore throat. I chugged airborne. I drank green tea with honey and lemon. I did EVERYTHING I could think of. But it wasn't enough. I woke up this morning and felt awful! I called in to work and make an appointment to see my doctor. I spent the morning with more tea, and then got to my appointment only to see one of the most frightening sights...a stupid, giant q-tip! Throat cultures are the worst!
And that swab was all in strep here! Just your regular, run-of-the-mill common cold. At least if it had been strep, I could have gotten some antibiotics to make me feel better instead of playing this waiting game and trying to feel better as soon as possible so I don't miss too much work!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Case of the Grumbles...


I've lost my green hat -grumble, grumble-...and the puzzle I put together this morning was -grumble- missing a piece. Grumble.
I can't find the little plug-in thing that connects to my computer chord now I only -grumble- have the -grumble grumble- other one.
The -rant rant rant- interwebz are broken at home, and my favorite -grumble- coffee shop downtown closes at 2pm on Saturdays...I wish I had -complain- known that before I tried to go -grumble- study there at 3 because I have -grumble, grumble- so much homework.
I never realized how -grumble- useless my computer is without -rant rant rant- internet. No games. No Facebook. No daily crossword. No watching The Big Bang Theory episode I missed Thursday night.

This post has been brought to you by five hours of sleep a night... all week!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homework, Oh Homework

"Homework, Oh Homework
I hate you, you stink"-Jack Prelutsky

Remembering that going back to school means going back to homework-uh, priceless? I

Ugh! I'm sitting here trying to convince myself that I should concentrate on reading Chapters 1 & 2 and then come up with something quasi-intelligent to post on the discussion board. I have until midnight to do this...however, I am extremely unmotivated and all too easily distracted.
Also, I have a hard time seeing a point in taking the community college version of a class I took at CLU...or really, having to take any of these classes at all. The goal of me going back to school is so that I can become a preschool teacher...but aren't I already a preschool teacher?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Closet Full of Nothing to Wear...

Every morning I go through the same routine:
After hitting the snooze more times then I should, I wander out to the kitchen for some coffee...then go back to my room to decide what to wear. This is probably the hardest decision of my day. I have plenty of clothes, and my options are far from limited. However, when I look at my clothes in regards to what I'm wearing to work I have to ask myself a series of questions such as: "Do I care if I get paint on these pants?" "Do I care if I get snot on this shirt?" "Do I really want to stand in the sand box in these shoes?" Answering 'no' to one or more of these questions really limits my choices. I have about two or three complete outfits that I am willing to sacrifice by wearing them to work.

First world problems, I know...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

School Bag in Hand

Last week I went on a little adventure to acquaint myself with the community college campus where I'll be starting class soon. I got my parking permit, paid my tuition, bought my textbooks and found my classes (both of which are in the same classroom, so that's easy!) I am slowly -but surely- adjusting to the idea of going back to school.
Then, over the weekend I went and got new pens and highlighters as well as a new notebook. I got my old backpack out from the back of my closet, and pre-organized everything.
The 2012 wall calendar I got has a dry-erase board segment, so I can leave myself memos and stuff. In fact, all of this is kind of starting to make my bedroom feel like a dorm room. Really, the only thing missing is the poster of Orlando Bloom I had up during my Freshman year at CLU.
Hmm...I wonder where that poster went...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!!
2011 was a bit of a roller coaster what with losing my job and moving back in with the folks. However, if I hadn't had to move back here...I probably wouldn't have (unintentionally) kept my resolution from last year which was: "This year I need to make more friends, try not to be so much of a homebody, and not to spend next NYE alone, doing laundry and blogging in my sweat pants watching Carson Daly's schpiel on NBC"
Yes, I had to force myself to get out of the house once I moved back, but connecting with the 'Relate' group at my church helped me to make more friends. Friends I spent New Years Eve with. A New Years Eve I spent away from my house. So...that was one blessing that came from the crappy hand I was dealt.
Another blessing is the job I have now. I love working with preschoolers more than I ever thought I would. I was on the youth-ministry track for so long, I never even considered this as a career. Now, here I am going back to school so I can broaden my preschool teaching horizons!
I still love working/hanging out with youth, but after spending 3 days in San Diego with 21 middle- and high- school students but I've realized: I am just so much happier in the role of chaperone.
This year is already off to a great start.
I am worship leading at my church (doing things the ELCA says I'm not technically qualified to do...yikes!)
I am switching to mornings at work, and keeping some afternoon hours as well (getting closer to full-time!)
I am back in school...although the jury is still out on whether or not I'm excited about this
and...I get to be the maid of honor in the wedding of a very close family member!!

Bring it on, 2012!!