Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pity Party

A few weeks ago I decided I was going to throw a little Halloween 'get together'. I invited all friends that live within an hours drive of my place. I thought it'd be fun to have friends over and play games and hang out and have an excuse to wear a costume. A good handful said they'd come...some were even bringing friends/husbands/etc. Some didn't say anything (which I think is kinda rude, but whatevs) and most said they wouldn't be able to make it. One of the friends who couldn't make it said it was because they had already made other plans. I just found out the 'other plans' were for tonight. My thing was supposed to have been last night. Unfortunately, one of my 'yeses' had their work schedule changed, so I ended up going out to dinner with some girlfriends.
Which was better, because I got to see one of my former roomies from college (I would've seen her anyway, but we were able to catch up a lot better in this setting). I am glad that we got to hang out, I hadn't seen her for nearly a year and a half, since she and her husband moved to Italy and just recently returned...and some with HUGE news!!
I'm just bummed out and feeling sorry for myself because I don't have any friends that actually live in Simi...they're all over the place: Costa Mesa, Camarillo, Northridge, Frasier Park, Thousand Oaks, Visalia, Washington...but none in Simi.
B/c none of them live nearby, I have no one to call when I'm bored, and I know some of that has to do with the fact that I'm probably the world's least exciting person ever...
It's another "chicken/egg" scenario. Am I boring because I'm under socialized, or am I under socialized because I'm boring?

Well, I just finished watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for the second time this Halloween season, so I think it's time for bed...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Single people use blenders, right?

Yes, we do...but we don't get to register for them. Just because I'm not in the "marriage" stage in my life doesn't mean I don't need things for my apartment. There is no such thing as an apartment-warming registry. Bed, Bath & Beyond hasn't quite jumped on that bandwagon yet. Four months ago I moved into my first apartment and I'm still working on filling it. I did get some hand-me downs: silverware from my parents, a coffee table from my friend who moved and a sofa from an old lady at my church who apparently had cataracts. I have some left over stuff from dorm-living: stolen plates from the caf, a nice collection of dollar tree spatulas and other things we collected over the years. I had a decent collection of 'starter' items. Some good, solid basics. Mom stepped up and sprung for a toaster, and the 'rents pitched in the extra microwave they had sitting in the garage to help my kitchen come together. Trying to make this apartment 'home' involved hanging a few pictures, getting some curtains, and a couple of throw pillows to try to spruce up the hideous sofa, and the whole thing has come together quite nicely for what I've had to work with. It's nice and I get by.
Except I need a blender.
Granted, I can get a no-frills blender at Target for around 20 bucks, so it's not a HUGE's just...the principal...when you think of bridal registry, blender is the first thing you think of, right? It's like the stereotypical wedding gift. There is something about buying yourself a blender that just seems so...sad.
I realize that almost everything I just said set feminism back about 50 years...I may as well vacuum in pearls and pumps and enjoy unblended drinks from now on...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


After weeks -nay- months of deliberation...I have finally landed on a Halloween costume!! I don't think it has ever taken me this long to come up with something. Mostly because when my mom used to sew our costumes, my sister and I had to come up with our ideas pretty early so mom could be sure they were done in time, and this is a habit that has stuck with me even since mom stopped making our costumes. When it comes to dressing up, I have definitely run the gamut, using both my mad sewing skills and my arsenal of dance costumes. I have been pretty much everything from a hobo to a princess, from a sock hopper to a hippie, from a mouseketeer to a drag queen (yes, I was a girl dressed as a boy dressed as girl). Last year I was Sleeping Beauty, but the Brier Rose version. For a brief moment I thought Marge McDougall from Promises, Promises would be fun, but very few would know who I was. Then I kept bouncing between a Harry Potter version of myself (a.k.a. if I were a Hogwarts student), a candy corn (since I already had a yellow skirt), or just 'I dunno' and wear my pink wig and top an extra from Moulin Rouge or something. Then Saturday, like a bolt of lightening, it hit me. The perfect costume...
Lucy van Pelt!!! I am so excited! I'm sure I could run the risk of people not knowing who I am, but some might, and I I don't care. I got this black wig and I'm working on styling it kinda curly-ish on the ends, I bought socks at Target yesterday that have ruffles on them, and a blue dress with some black buttons and I'm good to go!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Let's just assume the rest of the answers will be Pushing Daisies related

...because, let's face're getting bored, I'm getting bored-so I'm calling off the month of TV thing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Day 17-Favorite mini series
I've never been a big mini series person, therefore my favorite is the only one I've ever seen. But it's good!
Sometime during my freshman year of college I got sick. Like, sick-sick, not just the sniffles. Luckily it was a weekend, and my horrible roommate was out of y'know...silver lining and all that. This was my first experience being sick away from home, and I didn't much care for it. I didn't know how to take care of myself when I was sick, that was always mommy's job. So here I am, this pathetic sick mess of a person when my friend who lived across the hall came over to like, hang out or something, and she ended up taking awesome care of me. She brought me ginger ale and introduced me to The 10th Kingdom to help me feel better. I love how well she knows me.

It is a mini series that follows a father-daughter combo from NYC through a portal to fairy tale world. The trolls are trying to take over, and are in league with the evil queen who has turned her princely step-son into a dog. They are joined by a wolf-man (half man, half wolf, all handsome) and they have to stop the evil queen and the trolls and get the prince-dog back in his human body. A myriad of fairy tales and nursery rhymes are incorporated or alluded to, such as Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, The Emperor's New Clothes, Little Red Riding Hood, The Story of King Midas, Rumpelstiltskin, Little Bo Peep, Jack and the Beanstalk...and several others that I can't remember right now...they are all jumbled together and mixed up and thrust into a somewhat modern short, it's awesome!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Day 16-Your guilty pleasure show
...Desperate Housewives...let the judging commence.
I got hooked on re-runs of this show during my brief stint as a stay-at-home daughter. My position as 'office-grunt' at the CPA firm I was working at had just been dissolved, and I was living with my parents and picking up random hours as a preschool aide, but I had a lot of free time during the day. I would usually get up around 9, go to the gym and work out for an hour or so, come home, shower, and flip on Lifetime. It started because Will & Grace came on at 11 and DH followed. This soap opera is like crack. I am so addicted, it's ridiculous. And don't let the prime time time slot of this show fool you; murder, amnesia, affairs, secret identities, and now a child switched at birth...this is a soap opera, my friends. A slightly less cheesily acted one, perhaps, but a soap opera nonetheless. And I love it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boys and Girls Together

Day 14-Favorite male character, well I would have to go with Ned/The Piemaker here.
He is just so gawkily adorable. He is too cute, too sweet, and can bake a mean triple berry pie (which just happens to be my favorite). He is just so swoon-worthy it's ridiculous!! I can't help it, he pretty much embodies 'my type' to a T. I mean, he's played by Lee Pace who, like Matt Thiessen and John Krasinski, is tall, kinda skinny, and kinda nerdy...and I kinda like that!
Day 15-Favorite female character, since I can't seem to shake the PD bug, I have to go with Olive Snook. Not only is she played by the fabulous Kristin Chenoweth, but Olive is sass and sweetness all rolled into one. She says the thing that everyone else is thinking. She is a 4'11" powerhouse and is so much like the actress who plays her, it gets hard to separate the two. She is the perfect feisty sidekick for the unflappable Emerson Cod!

I really miss this show...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen...

Day 12-An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times I'll spare the blah blah blah...any and every episode of Pushing Daisies...easily; also the episode of Ugly Betty that Aaron Tveit is in...because he's so gosh darn dreamy!!
Day 13-Favorite childhood show. Full House was the show to watch until I was 8, and it went off the air.
But man, that show taught me so much. I will never forget how to spell success because of Danny Tanner's mnemonic device (double the 'see', double the 'ess' and you will always have success!) I think somewhere, my parents still have the VHS we taped the series finale on. Y'know, when Michelle falls off her horse and gets amnesia? That was intense!
Since we did 12&13 today...I'd like to take a moment to talk a little bit about twelve and thirteen year olds. I am sick of the question 'who else will be there?' Although, I don't necessarily blame the kids here, since just as many parents ask me that question as my students. It's just really frustrating. There is an event coming up that I have to register for by this Friday and I'm still getting 'SoandSo will only go if whatsherface will be there.' I don't care who will be there, I just need to know how many will be there by this Friday...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's my age again?

That's right...I'm 24. Only 24. So why am I sitting here with a heat pack on my neck and an ice pack on my head?
Maybe my body is punishing me for actually acting my age for once. Last night I went to go visit one of my good friends from college who recently moved to Costa Mesa with her husband. I'm bummed she moved away, but I'm glad it's only about an hour and a half drive instead of, y'know, like across country or San Diego (or Santiago if you're Tim after a few drinks, which would be really far away.)
Anyway, some friends and I mini-roadtripped down there yesterday afternoon, and it was so nice to be around other people my own age, which doesn't happen nearly often enough. It seems when I'm not with my students I'm just with myself. And myself doesn't necessarily act my age. I kinda twice my age and half my age at the same time. I watch TV and eat dinner on the sofa and I'm usually in bed by 10. Last night I didn't make it home until after 11...PM...gasp!
But it was so much fun. It's been so long since I've played Apples to Apples without having to say 'inappropriate!' every other turn...combinations that are banned from the youth room end up as the winning pair!
But maybe the night was too much for me. Sitting around laughing with my friends apparently took it's toll. I woke up at 2ish last night and every muscle on the right side of my body was on fire. I tried an ice pack, it worked until I took it off. I tried taking a hot bath, but when you're 5'8" and your tub is 1 foot deep, 18 inches wide and 4 feet long, it's not very relaxing. I don't know how I ended up asleep last night.
Although, given the choice between a boring weekend and a weekend spent with friends whatever the side effects, my friends will win every time. I just need more practice acting my age...

Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Office-full circle

Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving-Probably The Office. I didn't have a ton of exposure to this show until my senior year of college. I came back after a summer of camp and all of the sudden my roommates were obsessed. I, however, was still obsessed with camp. They were having none of this 'camp counselor Lauren' nonsense. They refused to hear about my camp stories and my awesome camp life. Therefore, anything that they liked, on principal, I didn't.
Then I discovered Jim Halpert (swoon). Okay, The Office was a funny show. Was being the operative word which brings me to...
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
I am starting to get really bored with this show. I am really hoping it's the last season. I think that alot of what kept the show alive was the cute crushiness of Pam and Jim. Now that they are married, Jim doesn't have to be cute and try to win over Pam anymore. Michael is just plain stupid. Dwight...well, I was never sure what was going on there to begin with. And then there is Erin, seriously? And Gabe? What is that?
Last week's episode was good, mostly because I love theatre and Andy was in a local production of Sweeney Todd. Apparently, it was a production full of musical theatre geniuses, because they were all able to master Sondheim in the month between auditions and opening night...but, sure...whatever

Friday, October 08, 2010

Two at a Time goes a lot faster this way. Besides, with most of my answers relating to Pushing Daisies, it just makes sense. As hard as I try, when dealing with the TeeVees, I just can't NOT mention that show.
Day 08-A show everyone should watch-Suprise
Day 09-Best scene ever-This one:

Favorite 'Olive Moment' of the entire series!!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Double Up

Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show:
I will spare the PD drill, only because I promised to lay off for a while...but if I were to go in that direction, it'd be a tie between 2.8-Comfort Food & 2.11-Window Dressed to Kill
I'll go with my favorite episode of Boy Meets World. It's not my end-all, be-all favorite show, but it's definitely up there. It is a show that defined and shaped my childhood (and gave me plenty of delusions as to what high school and college were going to be like, but then again so did every other show on T.G.I.F.)
So my favorite ep of BMW is 4.5-Shallow Boy.
Eric meets this pretty, albeit annoying, folk singer and hilarity ensues. When he tried to dump her, her songs turn dark and moody, so of course she gets a record deal and her songs that slam Eric get radio play, like, the next day...even more hilarity ensues. Cue touching music. Issue solved in half an hour NBD!
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
I can't hold it in, I have to go with a Pushing Daisies ep here. The second to last episode (2.12-Water & Power) probably bugs me the most. It's confusing, and sort of contrived (not that that isn't one of the most contrived shows, like, almost ever). I's just not as witty, charming and fun as the rest of the show

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Had the following conversation with one of my kids tonight during a game of Apples to Apples:
Student "why are these cards so sticky?"
Me "because I let high schoolers play my games"
Student "Oh..."

This is my life.

I'm skipping 3 &4

Day 03-Your favorite new show (aired this t.v season)--I haven't picked up any new shows this season. Nothing really peaked my interest, so I'll stick to my regular shows.
Day 04-Your favorite show ever-see yesterday's post
Day 05-A show you hate, most "reality" shows, actually. Not the fun competition-y ones like Project Runway and ANTM, but the trashy, gross ones like Jersey Shore and other shows that make people famous for no particular reason other than the fact that they are they are orange. I would rather see a TV show about people who actually DO things that are useful. Or maybe a reality show about camp counselors...that could be fun too. I'd watch it!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching

This is tough...since I feel like the current shows I watch are pretty darn popular (Glee, L&O:SVU, Desperate Housewives-don't judge-, 30 Rock and The Office)
Two years ago I would have had the perfect answer for this...Pushing Daisies, of course.
Even though it's canceled, I still think more people should watch it. Seriously, I can't say enough amazing things about this show, it is my absolute favorite ever ever EVER!!The cast and characters are just so much fun!
Lee Pace is Ned, the piemaker with the ability to bring people back to life with a single touch.
Anna Friel is Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles, the alive-again girlfriend of the piemaker.
Kristin Chenoweth is Olive Snook, a waitress at the Pie Hole who is in love with Ned
Chi McBride is Emerson Cod, a detective who uses Ned's 'gift' to solve murder cases
Swoozie Kurtz and Ellen Greene are Aunt Lily and Aunt Vivian, formerly the synchronized swimming duo 'Darling Mermaid Darlings'; currently agoraphobic...

Okay, I promise I'll lay off PD for a while, or at least I'll try...

Monday, October 04, 2010

Day 01- A show that should have never been canceled

I bet you were expecting me to say Pushing Daisies. I kind of expected myself to say that too, after all, it's the most creative, whimsical show that has ever existed. The wonderfully quirky characters on this show were delightful, and the writing was genius. A 'forensic fairy tale''s so novel and innovative. The show was bright, colorful and witty and I do miss it a lot. However, if Pushing Daisies had never been canceled, Kristin Chenoweth wouldn't have been able to do Promises, Promises which means a)I wouldn't have been able to cross 'seeing Kristin Chenoweth on Broadway' off my 'things to do before I die' list; and b)I wouldn't have gone to New York for my birthday. That 36 hour trip was probably one of the craziest things I've ever done...and it was fantastic.
I also could've gone with Ugly Betty, because it too, was an endearingly cute show that probably could've gone longer...but for this category I choose the short-lived FOX show Reunion.
It came on after The OC my Sophomore year of college. This show followed the lives of 6 friends and the things that they have gone through in the twenty years since they graduated from High School. What we find out in the first episode, is that one of them has been recently murdered and (presumably) another one of them did it. The show flashed back and forth between present day (2006) and a different year each episode (the first ep was 1986/2006; the second, 1987/2006 and so on)...but NOT so on, because the show was canceled after 9 episodes, and it took us the first 6 just to find out which friend was murdered. Most of what bugs me about this is that we never find out who did it and why. Yes, the acting was terrible. And the make-up crew had their hands full trying to get these twentysomething actors to bounce between high school/college aged students to their present day 38 year old selves...
I don't even know of anyone besides me and my college roommates that even remembers this show, much less watched it.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Because I like TV too much

...and there are times I have nothing to say. Here is a fun way for me to keep my blog going when I have nothing to do but complain about the weather.
I'll start tomorrow!

Day 01- A show that should have never been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Day 12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
Day 14 - Favorite male character
Day 15 - Favorite female character
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best t.v show cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First t.v show obsession
Day 29 - Current t.v show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death

Friday, October 01, 2010

What happened?!? (The Sequel)

It was fall, for like, two seconds...and now California is being hit with this absurd heat wave. It's midnight and it's 85 degrees outside, and approximately ten times that inside my apartment with three fans on and all the windows open. On Monday Los Angeles was the hottest it had ever been since "they" have started recording temperatures. I think it was like a thousand degrees that day or something. It is too hot to do anything. It's too hot to even sit on my sofa and watch TV with a fan pointed at my face.
I don't do heat. I'm no stranger to heat, I've experienced triple digit summers my entire life, and for some reason it always takes me by surprise how much I hate it and how whiney I get when it's hot. I think I have carpel tunnel in my wrist from constantly fanning myself. I have been wandering around my apartment in spaghetti straps and PJ shorts, and the thing that sucks is that it's STILL too much clothes. It's too darn hot to do anything. I'm at the point where I wish I had a fever, because the accompanying chills might give me the illusion of being cold. But, like an a la carte fever; not one that comes with tummy aches and dizziness and that feeling I get when I have the flu that my skin hurts. If this makes no sense, blame heatstroke-an apparently feverless ailment...
I kinda lost where I was going with this, but that just because it's too hot to concentrate.
Maybe the thing that's got me whining so much is that it's supposed to be fall. I mean it's October for goodness sake (just barely, but still...), and it's been too hot for a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. How am I supposed to be excited about October without my Pumpkin Spice Latte? I keep forgetting what time of year it is. I look at the calendar and think, "I need to start figuring out what I'm going to be/do for Halloween" then I step outside and I'm like "crap, it's hot". Cause with heat like this, the only thoughts that occupy my head are those relating to how hellishly hot it is outside.
I'm quite literally melting...and I'm adding another item to my list of things that do not thrill me about LA: the complete disregard for seasonally appropriate weather.
I'm thinking of moving to a climate-controlled bio-dome.