Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's my age again?

That's right...I'm 24. Only 24. So why am I sitting here with a heat pack on my neck and an ice pack on my head?
Maybe my body is punishing me for actually acting my age for once. Last night I went to go visit one of my good friends from college who recently moved to Costa Mesa with her husband. I'm bummed she moved away, but I'm glad it's only about an hour and a half drive instead of, y'know, like across country or San Diego (or Santiago if you're Tim after a few drinks, which would be really far away.)
Anyway, some friends and I mini-roadtripped down there yesterday afternoon, and it was so nice to be around other people my own age, which doesn't happen nearly often enough. It seems when I'm not with my students I'm just with myself. And myself doesn't necessarily act my age. I kinda twice my age and half my age at the same time. I watch TV and eat dinner on the sofa and I'm usually in bed by 10. Last night I didn't make it home until after 11...PM...gasp!
But it was so much fun. It's been so long since I've played Apples to Apples without having to say 'inappropriate!' every other turn...combinations that are banned from the youth room end up as the winning pair!
But maybe the night was too much for me. Sitting around laughing with my friends apparently took it's toll. I woke up at 2ish last night and every muscle on the right side of my body was on fire. I tried an ice pack, it worked until I took it off. I tried taking a hot bath, but when you're 5'8" and your tub is 1 foot deep, 18 inches wide and 4 feet long, it's not very relaxing. I don't know how I ended up asleep last night.
Although, given the choice between a boring weekend and a weekend spent with friends whatever the side effects, my friends will win every time. I just need more practice acting my age...

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