Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Illegally blonde

I have a confession to make: I'm not a natural redhead, I dye my hair (gasp). My natural hair color is sort of a cross between blonde and brown. The words most-often used to describe it are "dirty blonde" or "dishwater blonde" and as flattering as those terms are, I'd rather not attribute them to my hair. So, for the past 3ish years I've had Light Auburn locks and for whatever reason, I was starting to get bored with it. So I decided maybe I should try a brighter red...
WRONG decision, don't let the smile I'm wearing in this picture fool you...I was not happy with this orange-y reddish Ariel-esque hue. So, I Googled "I dyed my hair and I hate it" and I was led to a product called Color-Oops that will strip any dye from your hair (and is guaranteed to make it smell horrible, even after multiple washings). I picked up a box after work and figured we'd start from square one, maybe even try my natural hair color for a while.
WRONG! This is not my natural color...I don't even think this is a natural color. It looks blonde, but it's really pretty yellowish. I talked to my stylist, and she said I can go back to using my regular box dye, but to wait a few days since my hair was dyed and stripped in a period of less than 24 hours. 
So do blondes really have more fun? I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

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