Sunday, May 30, 2010


--first of all, this blog (or blah-g, rather) isn't about abstinence, or why you should or shouldn't be abstinent or why I am--
It comes from a conversation I had with a friend a few months ago after a day of shopping followed by dinner with Mai Tais:
Me: "Look at us: shopping, dinner out, cocktails? We're like the girls on 'Sex and the City'...but with out the sex"
Friend: "or the city"
Me: "okay, like abstinence and the town"
which happens to be a great description of my life. I live in a quiet suburb about an hour north of L.A. (if there's no traffic--which there always is), and I work as a youth director. While I have a good handful of 15-20 high schoolers in my group, there doesn't seem to be anyone in this town whose age falls between my youth and their parents (i.e. twentysomethings, like myself)
A couple of my girlfriends from college live in a similar town about 20 minutes south-ish from me, but have its not like I have NO social life...just not a very big one.
So all I have left to say is 'the stories you will read on this blog are true, but the names have been changed to protect me (and the not-so-innocent)'

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