Monday, February 27, 2012

Easy as Pie!

I am thrilled to announce that so far this year I have already checked two items off of my 'bucket list'!!
I made a snow-angel:
And if you're thinking 'Wow I can't believe it took you 25 years to accomplish this small life-experience!' (which I know all of you are) consider the fact that I live in an area where it never very rarely snows. But a few weeks ago I got to spend a cabin weekend in the snow, and not only did I get a relaxing weekend of girl-time, but I got to meet a tiny goal as well.

My second item was more of an personal accomplishment. Ever since I discovered the joy of pie-making, I've always wanted to make my own pie-crust. I must admit that when it comes to baking pies I am, in fact, a "cheater cheater pumpkin (pie) eater". Pillsbury's pre-made roll-out pie crusts have enabled me to fake it 'til I bake it! They are tasty and convenient and unintimidating.
But this weekend my stress-baking senses were tingling, and thanks to a pie cookbook my sister got me for Christmas, I decided I was going to tackle this project!
Just a few simple ingredients: flour, salt, sugar, butter, shortening, ice water

A little stand-mixer action,

And...voila! Pie crust

It was pretty easy to make...but a pain in the butt to roll out, even so, my triple berry was pretty delish!

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