Friday, October 21, 2011

The Peace Cookie (a.k.a. The Salty Cookie Test)

As I spend my Friday night alone, watching Bridget Jones and folding laundry...I'm starting to wonder how I got to be in this situation. The alone part, that is. The folding laundry and Bridget Jones parts are obviously my own doing. The alone part might be as well...due to my pickiness. Although, it's hard to be picky when there is nothing to pick from...which is totally beside the point.

Back in college, I lived with a group of amazing girls! I still call these girls my roommates, although we haven't shared living quarters for nearly 3 and a half years (has it really been that long?). We have shared so many things: clothes, memories, inside jokes and food. Jennie was notorious for having us try her food if she thought it tasted weird. She would often say things like 'This milk tastes bad...try it' or 'does this cookie taste salty to you?' Once during our Junior year, we were having dinner in the caf, and joining us was this guy 'Tom' that one of the girls was kinda, sorta seeing. As we passed the cookie around, tasting it for saltiness, the cookie (or peace cookie) got to 'Tom'. He refused to take a bite. There was a place on the edge that hadn't been bitten yet, but he wouldn't taste the cookie. I think this was the beginning of the end of 'Tom'. For some reason on that night, eating that cookie was a big deal to us.
This all seems so silly, but whenever I start to kind of like a guy...there is a little voice in the back of my head asking 'Would he eat the cookie?'

If that makes me too be it!


  1. What if he was sick? Perhaps he didn't want to spread any germs if perhaps someone else was going to take a bite (doubtful if he was the last to bite).

    Perhaps he was allergic. Maybe he didn't know what the ingredients were, but was too proud or embarrassed to say he was allergic to something.

    Maybe it's possible that he's one of those guys who doesn't like cookies. I know its very unlikely, but these people exist.

    There could be some way that he was watching his weight, diet, glucose, etc. There could be hundreds of reasons why his diet or something could have restricted him from even one bite. Some sort of snowball effect might have ensued.

    Now, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm being ridiculous. I totally think this guy was being a dork, and showed some poor taste. But perhaps, we may be judging him too harshly. Perhaps this is the one event that is making your choices so limited.

    If you don't mind, I'll share one with you. I used to think that there was someone out there for me like Deborah Barone (Patricia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond). Her character embodied the hardass, hard working, loving mother, little cutie that I thought I could see myself with. I totally digged everything about her personality. I shared this with one of my friends. I made it sound magical. I was starry eyed and totally serious. My buddy, in all seriousness, straight-faced, said, "Steve, that's from T.V."

    I know this is a bit different, but plays on the same theme. We have these little things in the back of our heads and have our realities built on what we think we expect. What's awesome is that God totally knows us, our plan, and what's best for us. So to put it bluntly, f**k that cookie (I'm sure it was bomb). You're you, and someone great is out there in your path, and will someday, unexpectedly, you'll cross paths. He may be a prince charming-esk, or a total shmoe like myself. But I think of all the things that could have turned Kate "off" from the crap I've done, all the cookies I haven't eaten, but how things are now. Bottom line, you'll know when that dude comes along. Maybe you won't. Maybe God will totally have someone completely wrong eat the cookie, and he'll open your eyes. Perhaps Mr. Perfect will come along, eat the cookie, and he'll be Mr. Wrong. You'll never know until you open your eyes, ears, heart, and
    "taste" for someone that perhaps isn't into cookies, is allergic, watching his diet, etc. Cookies are great, but we all know your pies are what are going to seal the deal :)

  2. A) The cookie really was the most disgusting thing ever. Which is weird...since cafeteria food is usually so tasty.

    B) Tom was a total poopie-faced jerk-head

    C) Thanks Steve!! I know God has my perfect guy out there (cookie aversion or not). Hopefully my perfect guy will be willing to eat the metaphorical cookie ( okay with my crazy, wonderful sister-friends from college)...until then I will continue to bake delicious pies with the occasional salty cookie...just in case!
