Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Coming Out...

...as a democrat.
This may not seem like a big deal, but I come from a pretty conservative family ranging from the fairly extreme (my grandma) to the moderate (my parents). Except when my grandma brings it up (using the conversational segue 'I don't want to talk about politics but...'), we don't talk about politics often as a family.
But I was up visiting my parents over the weekend and my dad asked me 'are you a republican or a democrat?' I'm not sure how this fit in to the conversation we were having, and this doesn't seem like a question you would generally ask someone, but if you knew my dad...you'd understand that none of that matters.
My parents always brought us up to think for ourselves, and instead of treating me like I was some crazy liberal commie, my mom actually said she was proud of me for developing my own opinions instead of just going along with what they've always said.
...she also said that we're not going to tell my grandma...

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