Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I dreamed a dream

I have been having the weirdest dreams the past couple of nights. I don't know if it has anything to with the fact that I'm not sleeping in my own bed due to the PK-sitting situation, but when I wake up, I can usually remember, like five, crazy dreams. Last night, for instance, I dreamt that Kelsey Grammer was my uncle, but he was still Kelsey Grammer. So, I had a famous uncle. "They" say that your dreams usually have something to do with things that have popped up in your life over the past few days, and I can't think of a single event EVER in my life, much less in the past week, that would have led me to dream about Kelsey Grammer...well, he was on 30 Rock a few weeks ago...I guess I could've just as easily dreamt that Tina Fey was my aunt (which would be pretty freaking awesome).
Then I also dreamt that my parents were Will & Grace, and that my dad (Will) cheated on my mom (Grace) with another woman which is weird, because Will is gay, and he was in my dream too. In my dream I was so angry with him, I wouldn't talk to him, and I think I may have even tried to kill him a little bit.
I'm not sure what any of this means...probably that my subconscious self is just as random and nonsensical as my conscious self

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